The Sanibel Causeway Islands, an iconic gateway to the beautiful islands of Sanibel and Captiva, has long been a cherished destination for beachgoers and nature enthusiasts.

However, for those planning to visit we are sad to report that the Sanibel Causeway Islands beach access is currently closed.

Temporary Closure for Maintenance

As of now, the Sanibel Causeway Islands are not open for beach access.

The causeway itself is undergoing maintenance, and the authorities have temporarily prohibited any stopping or visitation to the spoil islands.

This decision has been made to ensure public safety and allow the necessary repairs to take place.

A photograph of the Sanibel Causeway Islands

The Repairs and Temporary Fixes

While the bridge of the Sanibel Causeway has been repaired to some extent, it is important to note that these repairs are only temporary.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) acknowledges the need for a more permanent fix and has plans to actively commence construction over the next few years. View the plans here.

Future Plans for the Sanibel Causeway Islands

The construction planned for the Sanibel Causeway Islands aims to provide a long-term solution to the bridge’s structural issues and enhance beach access for visitors.

The DOT has recognized the significance of these islands and the recreational value they hold for locals and tourists alike.

Consequently, they are committed to executing a comprehensive construction plan that will address the existing problems and create a safer and more accessible environment for all.

Implications for Visitors

While it may be disappointing for those looking to visit the Sanibel Causeway Islands in the near future, it’s crucial to respect the current restrictions and prioritize safety.

Although beach access is temporarily closed, there are still numerous other ways to enjoy the natural beauty and recreational activities in the region.

Sanibel & Captiva Beaches That are Open

Sanibel and Captiva have a multitude of other pristine beaches that can be accessed.

Visitors can still indulge in sunbathing, shelling, birdwatching, and water sports at other public beaches in the area, such as Lighthouse Beach, Bowman’s Beach, and Blind Pass Beach. Click here for the full list.

Nature and Wildlife Experiences

Sanibel Island is renowned for its unique ecosystem and wildlife.

Visitors can explore the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, where you can observe a diverse range of bird species, go kayaking through the mangrove forests, or embark on educational nature tours.

Just don’t forget that the refuge is CLOSED ON FRIDAYS.

What Restaurants are Open on Sanibel & Captiva?

We are happy to report that several of the Sanibel & Captiva restaurants are open. We have compiled a small but mighty list!
Click here to see what Sanibel restaurants are open.
Click here to see what Captiva restaurants are open.

What Hotels are Open on Sanibel & Captiva?

Several hotels are open and ready to welcome visitors with open arms. Click here for the list.

The Future of the Sanibel Causeway Islands

While the Sanibel Causeway Islands are currently closed for beach access due to ongoing maintenance and temporary repairs, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty, shelling, wildlife, and food that Sanibel and Captiva have to offer.

As construction commences and plans for a more permanent fix unfold, we can look forward to the restoration of full beach access and the continuation of cherished traditions on the Sanibel Causeway Islands.

We can’t wait to welcome you back!

-Nick, Lori & Max